09 November 2018

Recreational cannabis legal in Canada - post 1

Cannabis for recreational use is legal in Canada since 17 October 2018.  Some people cheer, and some are vehemently opposed to it.  But we all live together in our communities and we all fall under the same law. 
As a community service I'll post a series with some information that should be useful to all of us in dealing with this law. 
If you want to debate the pro's and con's, please use some of the local chat groups.  Offering useful information that is verifiable would be very welcome in the comments below.  (Disclaimer: I haven’t read the law and can’t give legal advice.  I will post legal links later on in this series.)

10 December 2013

Mandela - hero or victorious terrorist?

I'm getting a lot of posts both praising Mandela and emphasizing his terrorist activities.

What is the truth? 
1) It is known that the history books are mostly written by the victors of a conflict.
2) We can read conflicting reports about Mandela: His his lack of bitterness, integrity and wonderful leadership; and on the other side his refusal to stop the violent struggle and his support for terrorism and violent dictators.
3) People (and you) believe what you want to believe deep in your heart.  (Even if what you really really want to believe is in conflict with many facts, you will still believe it!)

To decide what to believe, first you have to look at what is in your heart and how does that affect your judgement.
·                 If you grew up with the idea that apartheid was wrong, and have experienced its damage firsthand or have seen and heard the suffering of friends and family, then it would be settled in your heart: Mandela is a hero!
·                 If you grew up in a white South Africa, believing communism and terrorism are wrong, and have experienced the damage of hatred and terrorism firsthand; or have seen and heard the suffering of friends and family, then it would be settled in your heart: Mandela is not so innocent.

In either case, your emotions will rule over your rational mind.  So with all these conflicting "facts" surrounding Mandela, how can you determine how much weight should each side's "facts" carry?  You cannot be totally objective.  

There is another alternative:  Decide what you want in the future.  Emphasis those aspects that will encourage this and the next generation to build a future worth living in.  To be able to do this you need to get rid of hatred in your heart. You need to experience the power of forgiveness and God's healing of your heart.  Only then would you be free to make a proclamation without doubt, uncertainty, hurt, or hatred.  
Most Christians have prayed: "Our Father in heaven ... forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."  Jesus said in Matthew 6:14 “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."

For me, looking at the facts I find - some are debatable, others are certain; - I like some, some leaves me very uneasy, and some prompt me to action.
The action I want to take and effect I want to see is that people grow to be more like Jesus.  Though Mandela was most likely not a Christian, some of his later claimed characteristics were taught by Jesus.  I want to see leaders follow those positive aspects and will encourage it.  On the other hand any action or idea that promotes hatred, racism or terrorism should not be encouraged.

May you also have a clear picture of what values you want to build into your children en fellow humans.
May God bless you!

14 May 2010

Nuwe vlag

Hoe hou jy van hierdie herontwerp van 'n ou landsvlag?

Ek dink dit kan Christene help om saam te staan en God te vertrou vir wonderwerke vir ons land.

keywords: South African Christian new flag.

07 March 2010

Kanada - 1 jaar

Ons is nou byna 1 jaar in Kanada. Die avontuur was groot en wonderlik. Hoe lank nog, weet ons nie, maar as dit van lekker afhang bly ons.
Mis natuurlik al hoe meer die familie in SA, maar nie die misdaad en spanning nie.
Hier, in 'n klein dorpie, is die lewe baie rustiger as in Pretoria.

30 September 2009

'n Paar eksamenflaters uit die Sondagskool

* Adam en Eva is geskape uit 'n appelboom.

* Lot se vrou was bedags 'n soutpilaar, maar 'n bol vuur in die nag.

* Ongesuurde brood is brood wat sonder bestanddele gemaak is.

* Die Dooie See word so genoem omdat al die Egiptenare daarin verdrink het.

* Moses het gesterf voordat hy oor die Vaalrivier kon gaan.

* Doen aan 'n ander voordat hulle dit aan jou doen.

* Die mens sal nie van sweet alleen leef nie.

* Johannes was een van die twaalf desibels.

29 September 2009

Kanada nuus

Vandat ons in Kanada bly, pos ek meeste van my persoonlike nuus op FaceBook.
Laat 'n "comment" as jy na ons foto's wil kyk.

18 February 2009

Nogtans sal ek jubbel!!

Maandag die bakkie verkoop, en vandag pak die ander kar op.
Dis chaos en ons moet baie dinge gaan doen - nou sonder vervoer!
Ontdek ook vandag my kredietkaart is missing - bel om hom te stop - blykbaar is daar reeds 'n volgende een by die bank.
Die huis is chaos met helfte van ons goed wat nou gepak en getrek word.
Die werk is chaos met 3 groot kliente wat in krisis-bestuur hardloop en dringende ondersteuning benodig.
Soek steeds huurders vir die huis.
Die admin en tax goed wat ons moet oorgee werk nie uit nie...

Maar as my lewe in God se hande is, dan kan ek mos vertrou en glo! Al moet ek spring om alles gedaan te kry, en foute maak, en ontdek ek kan meer ysters in die vuur hanteer as wat ek gedink het nou terwyl dit moet ...
So groei ons
en die lewe is 'n avontuur
met God aan die stuur.

Ek is so opgewonde oor Kanada toe gaan -vir die eerste keer voel ek baie sterk: "Jesus, ek wil nie nou hemel toe gaan nie - eers Kanada asb.?"

Kyk na God en Sy hart, en jy weet die lewe (al is dit net 'n kort stukkie) is die moeitewerd!